Workout of the Week: Kettlebells and Cardio

Che Mckelvin


Combine working with kettlebells and time/reps to get a great cardio workout! 3-4 rounds of these 6 exercises equals a great total body workout.


the Workout

20 kb swings
20 KB Squats
10:10 kb single arm pickups
10:10 kb single leg reverse lunges
20 KB russian twists
5:5 kb turkish getups


BREAK – up to 2 min.


20 kb swings
20 KB Squats
10:10 kb single arm pickups
10:10 kb single leg reverse lunges
20 KB russian twists
5:5 kb turkish getups


BREAK – up to 2 min.


20 kb swings
20 KB Squats
10:10 kb single arm pickups
10:10 kb single leg reverse lunges
20 KB russian twists
5:5 kb turkish getups


BREAK – up to 2 min.


20 kb swings
20 KB Squats
10:10 kb single arm pickups
10:10 kb single leg reverse lunges
20 KB russian twists
5:5 kb turkish getups


BREAK – up to 2 min.



Kettlebell Swing

Stand up straight with your feet a bit wider than hip-width apart. Grab the handle with both hands, keeping palms facedown and arms in front of your body. Maintain a slight bend in your knees and drive your hips back as you lower your chest parallel to the floor. Make sure to keep your hands closer to your glutes than knees to assure your hamstrings (not lower back muscles) are the main movers. Then, explosively push the floor away, driving your hips forward and glutes + core tight at the top position. The kettlebell should follow the movement in a swinging motion, but your body should finish the movement first. Remember hips should move faster than the kettlebell! Repeat for 15–20 reps.


Kettlebell Goblet Squat

Stand up straight, holding the kettlebell in front of your chest with both hands, keeping elbows close to the body. Start squatting by pushing the knees apart and pushing hips back until thighs are parallel to the floor or just below, chest staying tall. Return to standing by pushing the floor away through the heels. Repeat for 15–20 reps.


Single Arm Kettlebell Pick Ups

Start standing with feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart and turn toes out 45 degrees. Place the kettlebell on the floor between your legs. Keeping core engaged, begin to squat and grip the kettlebell handle with one hand. Using force from your hips, push through heels to rise to standing, pulling the kettlebell upward while your elbow drives up. For a more advanced move, end in the “bottoms up” position with the bottom of the kettlebell facing the ceiling.  Lower kettlebell and repeat for 10-12 reps. Repeat the move with the other arm.


Kettlebell reverse Lunge

Begin standing, holding the kettlebell on the left side of your body in the racked position (bell of the KB resting in the hinge of your elbow), wrist straight, and keeping the imagine of squeezing an orange in your armpit. Hinge the hips, step back with the left leg, and lower into the lunge. Hover the back knee off the ground and press off the floor with the left leg and return to the starting position.  Alternate legs on each rep and repeat for 10-12 reps total.  Move the KB to the right arm and repeat for another 10-12 reps, alternating legs.


Kettlebell Russian Twist

Sit with legs bent and feet flat on the floor, about hip-width apart. Hold the kettlebell with both hands at your chest, then lean back to a 45-degree angle. To complete one full rep, rotate your torso from left to right by twisting at your waist and swinging the kettlebell across your body. Repeat for 15–20 reps.


Kettlebell Turkish Get Up

Lie on the floor on your left side and grab the kettlebell with both hands, but the left hand holding directly onto the handle and right hand overlapping. Roll onto your back with your left leg bent and your right leg straight. Use both hands to press the kettlebell vertical – directly above your left shoulder. Let go with the right hand, and place that arm flat on the floor, similar to the angle of the right leg. Once in position, keep your left elbow locked, wrist straight, and shoulder blade back on the floor. Dig in your left heel and sit up onto your right elbow, rolling to the right hip. Press up onto your right hand. Dig in the left heel, and right hand into the floor and lift your hips up off the floor, holding until you are steady. Pull the right foot and leg back behind your body until the right knee is directly under your hip.

Keep the grip strong and shoulder packed. Push off with your right hand and come up to a half kneeling position and swivel your right leg so your foot is directly behind you. Continue looking straight ahead, drive up with the back leg and come to a standing position. Slowly reverse order, using the same principles you did going up. Start slowly with a light weight. Repeat 3-5 reps each side.


Watch video for full demonstration:


Download the full workout here:

Kettlebells and Cardio