Exercising at Home

Katie Skero, Senior Manager


The effects of social distancing, self-isolation, and/or quarantine have disrupted your schedule and activities, and you’re beginning to wonder how you’ll possibly continue working out. It feels hopeless and like you may as well give up; however, it remains extremely important to continue your healthy lifestyle. During this time, a healthy lifestyle is important for our mental health,  accomplishing our goals, maintaining a schedule as best we can, and remaining mindful of all our long-term health goals. You can easily master your workout with household substitutions–you just have to be creative!


1.Master Body Weight Exercises

By improving your mind-muscle connection and focusing on form, body weight exercises can surprise you! Alter the number of reps or try a new repetition scheme like pyramids, EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) or AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible), and you’ll definitely feel it the next day. Turn the standard move into a plyometric move. If you’re already a pro at the basics, try learning handstands, single arm pushups, pistol squats, Nordic hamstring curls, and more! I’m currently determined to master a pistol squat (one-legged squat)!


2. Put Your Home to Work

Chair Squats. Also known as Sit to Stands, find a chair in your house and squat down to sit. Before your body weight completely plops into the chair, use those legs to push back up to standing. Once you master the body weight version, try single leg Sit to Stands or pick an option from my homemade dumbbells discussed later. This is how I’m working to master my pistol squats!

Dips. This is such a versatile exercise that it can literally be done anywhere: off a chair, your couch, a table, or the counter, or even on the floor in a table top position.

Glider Moves. Ramp up your core activation by adding gliders to your traditional exercises. Grab some dish towels and hop on a hard floor. You’ll get a clean floor and a great workout! Bonus– if you have furniture sliders on hand, they also make great exercise gliders.

Stairmaster. Have stairs in your home, residential building, or community? Climb, sprint, jump, or lunge those stairs! You can even use them to assist in push up variations, adding an incline or decline to meet your fitness level.

Cleaning. Did you know a thorough house cleaning can burn up to 190 calories per hour? Spring is here, so start your deep cleaning and get your workout in the process!

Dumbbells. Now you can get really creative!

Have you tried squatting your dog or cat? Snuggle up and use them as added weight. I’m sure some furry friends will present quite the challenge, especially my little chunky cat!

Have a child? Use them! Mommy and Me classes are totally a thing, so why not do one at home? Don’t worry, Dads, you can join in too.

Extra backpacks or tote bags lying around? Fill them with books and you have your own weight vest!

Did you stock up on non-perishables and water? Put those groceries to good use until time to consume. Curl, press, squat, and more with items like soup cans, water bottles or jugs, bags of grains, and more. Instead of discarding your empty milk jug, fill it with water and turn it into a weight. Use your imagination!


3. Get Outside

Walk or Run. Take your treadmill workout outside. Identify times of day and routes that are less trafficked to make sure you are still social distancing: maintaining at least six feet between yourself and others lessens your chances of catching COVID-19.

Gardening & Yard Work. Did you know that gardening and yard work count towards physical activity according to the ACSM guidelines? Raking your yard is an example of moderate-intensity physical activity.



These are just a few of many ways you can adjust your workout to your environment. Instead of binging your favorite or the hottest new TV shows, get off the couch and get moving! My favorite fitness quote says it best– “No matter how slow you go, you’re still lapping everyone on the couch.”


Have some of your own tricks to staying active at home? We’d love to hear what they are: comment below, shoot us an email, or send us a DM on Instagram @synergy_fitness_group!